33. What criteria determine allocation for free or subsidized access to media for political parties?

Article 186:
Free airtime shall be equally granted to the parties and election blocs that have overcome the respective electoral threshold established by the Constitution of Georgia in the last parliamentary elections under the rules established by this Law. If free airtime is given to an electoral bloc, this time shall be equally distributed among the political parties united within the electoral bloc. Free airtime shall not be granted to a party which, on the basis of Article 30(5) or (6), or Article 391(3) or (4) of the Organic Law of Georgia on Political Associations of Citizens, does not receive budgetary financing at the time of fixing the elections.
Source: საქართველოს ორგანული კანონი საქართველოს საარჩევნო კოდექსი, 186-ე მუხლი, მე-4 და მე-5 ნაწილები, 1997
[Article 186 (4, 5), Organic Law of Georgia Election Code of Georgia, 2011].
Parties and election blocs surpassing the electoral threshold defined by the Constitution of Georgia in the recent parliamentary elections shall receive an equal allocation of free airtime. The threshold set in 2020's elections, where 1% of voters.