22. Is there a limit on in-kind donations to candidates?




Article 25:
The following shall be considered to be a donation:
tangible or intangible assets (including low interest loans) and services (except for voluntary work performed by volunteers) received by a party from a natural or legal person free of charge, at discounted prices or on concessional terms.
Source: საქართველოს ორგანული კანონი „მოქალაქეთა პოლიტიკური გაერთიანებების შესახებ“, 25-ე მუხლის, მე-2 პუნქტის, „გ“ ქვეპუნქტი, 1997 
[Article 25 (2, c), Organic Law of Georgia on Political Associations of Citizens, 1997].


According to Georgian legislation, in-kind contributions are permitted. The rules and regulations about the donations also apply to the in-kind contributions.

Even though Article 25 (2, c) of the Organic Law of Georgia on Political Associations of Citizens (1997) specifically refers to "assets received by a party," the standard practice extends this regulation to candidates as well. In essence, the rules governing candidates often mirror those already in place for political parties, though the legislative clarity on this matter may not be consistent. Despite any potential ambiguity in the law, applying these principles to both parties and candidates is widely accepted and uncontested.

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