57. What power is granted to the institution(s) responsible for examining reports and/or investigating violations?

New Zealand

New Zealand

Carry out investigation Refer for investigation Request additional information from others Request additional information from potential violator

Section 6, Electoral Act 1993, (amended 2023)
Powers of Electoral Commission
(1) The Electoral Commission may, if it considers that it is necessary for the proper discharge of its functions,—
(a) initiate, sponsor, and carry out any studies or research:
(b) make any inquiries:
(c) consult with any persons or classes of persons:
(d) publicise, in any manner that it thinks fit, any parts of its work:
(e) provide information and advice on any matter—
(i) to the Minister for the Minister’s consideration:
(ii) to the Minister for presentation to the House of Representatives:
(f) request advice, assistance, and information from any government department or any State enterprise as defined in section 2 of the State-Owned Enterprises Act 1986."

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