33. What criteria determine allocation for free or subsidized access to media for political parties?

New Zealand
Section 78(2), Broadcasting Act 1989, (amended 2022)
In allocating money to a party, the Electoral Commission must have regard to—
(a) the number of persons who voted at the immediately preceding general election for that party and for candidates belonging to that party; and
(b) the number of persons who voted at any by-election held since the immediately preceding general election for any candidate belonging to that party; and
(c) the number of members of Parliament who were members of that party immediately before the dissolution or expiration of Parliament; and
(d) any relationships that exist between a party and any other party; and
(e) any other indications of public support for that party, such as the results of public opinion polls and the number of persons who are members of that party; and
(f) the need to provide a fair opportunity for each party to which subsection (1) applies to convey its policies to the public by the broadcasting of election programmes on television.