1. Is there a ban on donations from foreign interests to political parties?




Election Campaign Finance Act 2013 -Kenya 
Section 11(b) Sources of campaign finances
The sources of funds for purposes of financing party nomination, election or
referendum campaign are—
(a) contributions received from any person, political party or any other
lawful source;
(b) contributions from a lawful source, not being directly from a foreign
government; and
(c) contributions from a harambee.

Political Parties Act 2012 Section 28: Offences related to sources of funds-(1) 
A political party which receives funds from a non-citizen contrary to section 27(1)(c), commits an offence.

Section 27(2) A foreign agency, or a foreign political party which shares an ideology with a political party registered in Kenya, may provide technical assistance to that political party.
(3) Technical assistance under subsection (2) shall not include provision of any assets to the political party.


"S 11(b) Election Campaign Finance Act prohibit donations from foreign governments. 
S 28 Political Parties Fund prohibits monetary donations to political parties  
However, technical assistance is permitted. The Political Parties Act allows foreign entities to provide ""technical assistance"" to parties.

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