28. Are there provisions for direct public funding to political parties?

"Funds from public sources appropriated for financing of regular work of political entities whose candidates have been elected members of parliament, deputies and/or councilors are set at the level of 0.105% of tax revenues of the budget of the Republic of Serbia, tax revenues of the budget of the autonomous province and/or tax revenues of the budget of the local self-government unit."
"Funds from public sources for covering election campaign expenditure are allocated in the year of regular elections in the amount of 0.07% of tax revenues of the budget of the Republic of Serbia, tax revenues of the budget of the autonomous province and/or of tax revenues of the budget of the local self-government unit, for the budget year.
In case of early elections the relevant authorities are required to provide funds specified in paragraph 1 of this article.
In case of temporary financing, the competent authorities shall be required to provide funds from public sources for covering election campaign expenditure in the amount of 0.07% of tax revenues of the budget of the Republic of Serbia, tax revenues of the budget of the autonomous province and/or tax revenues of the budget of the local self-government unit, from the previous fiscal year for which the budget was adopted."
Articles 16. and 20. Law on financing political activities, 2022.
There are provisions.