26. Is there a ban on donors to political parties/candidates participating in public tender/procurement processes?




"A donation is a pecuniary amount, other than membership dues, that a natural or legal person voluntarily give to a political entity, a gift, as well as services provided without compensation or under conditions deviating from market conditions.
A donation is also credit, loan and other services provided by a bank or other financial organizations in the Republic of Serbia given under conditions deviating from market conditions, as well as write-off of debt.
A donor engaged in commercial activity is required when giving a donation and not later than the following day to forward to the political entity a personal statement or attestation from the relevant authority that it has settled all obligations relative to public revenues, as well as a statement that it is not engaged in or has been engaged over the past two years in contracted activities of general interest. A legal person, as donor, is required to also submit data on its ownership structure. A donor is required to forward a statement that it has not exceeded the donation ceiling specified in article 10 paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof not later than three days from the date of giving of donation.
Legal and natural persons are required to effect payment of the pecuniary amount specified in paragraph 1 of this Article exclusively from their current accounts.
A political entity is required to accept payment of pecuniary amount specified in paragraph 1 of this article only from the donor’s current account.
A political entity is required to record the donation referred in paragraph 1 of this article.
Exerting any form of pressure, threat, discrimination or any other form of direct or indirect placement in disadvantageous position of a natural or legal person giving a donation to a political entity is prohibited.
Government authorities are required to prevent and punish any violence, violation of rights or threat to a natural or legal person for giving of a donation to a political entity." 
Source: Article 9. Law on financing political activities.


A donor engaged in commercial activity is required when donating, and not later than the following day, to forward to the political entity a personal statement or attestation from the relevant authority that it has settled all obligations relative to public revenues. A donor must also forward a statement that they are not engaged nor have been engaged in contracted activities of general interest over the past two years.

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