32. Are there provisions for free or subsidized access to media for political parties?

Korea, Republic of

Korea, Republic of


"(1) The Central Electoral Broadcasting Discussion Forum under the provisions of Article 8-7 of the Public Official Election Act shall hold a policy discussion meeting (hereinafter referred to as a ""policy discussion meeting"") by inviting the persons designated by the representative of the Central Party or the president of policy research institutes at least twice per year during the period excluding that from 90 days (during an election, or re-election due to a vacancy of the office of President, the fixed day of circumstances giving rise to holding the said election) before the election day of a general election (including an election, or re-election due to a vacancy of the office of President) to the election day.
Source: Article 39, Political Parties Act, 2023

(1) The Central Election Debate Broadcasting Committee shall hold a policy debate (hereafter in this Article, referred to as ""policy debates"") not less than once each month in order to make it possible for a political party to manifest its platform and policy through the broadcasting, by inviting the representative of the political party falling under each of the following subparagraphs ...
Source: Article 82-3, Public Officials Election Act, 2023"


There are provisions.

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