45. Are there limits on online media advertising spending in relation to election campaigns?

Section 5. Restrictions on the Pre-election Campaign Expenses
(1) Restrictions on the amount of pre-election campaign expenses (pre-election expenses) of a political
party and association of political parties shall be regulated by the Law on Financing of Political
Organisations (Parties).
(2) For pre-election campaign, an unrelated person may use funds not exceeding 15 minimum monthly
wages. Within the meaning of this Law, a minimum monthly wage shall be the amount of the minimum
monthly wage which was determined on 1 January of the relevant calendar year.
(3) The amount of the funds referred to in Paragraph two of this Section that an unrelated person may
use for a pre-election campaign shall consist of the expenses by the relevant person during the pre-election
campaign period regardless of the date on which the document confirming a transaction (bill, contract or
another document) was written out, or payment was received or made for:
1) the placement of an advertisement:
a) [10 June 2021],
b) [10 June 2021],
c) in the television programmes and broadcasts of the commercial electronic mass medium;
d) in the radio programmes and broadcasts of the commercial electronic mass medium;
e) in newspapers, magazines, bulletins and other periodicals registered in accordance with the
procedures laid down in the law, produced by print technology and widely circulated throughout the whole
territory of the country;
f) in newspapers, magazines, bulletins and other periodicals registered in accordance with the
procedures laid down in law which are produced by print technology and the majority editions of which are
circulated within the territory of one local government;
g) on the Internet, except for the website of an unrelated person;
h) in premises and public places (in squares, streets, on bridges and in other similar places) regardless
of the ownership;
Pre-election Campaign Law, Article 5.3 (g).
On-line advertising in one of the spending categories, subject to spending limit.