33. What criteria determine allocation for free or subsidized access to media for political parties?

Section 6. Right to the State Ensured Free Broadcasting Time
(1) Candidates who are on the list of candidates of the same title have the right to use the State ensured
free broadcasting time for the pre-election campaign in the first television and radio programme of the public
electronic mass media in the cases, in accordance with the procedures and within the amount laid down in
this Chapter.
(2) Candidates who are in the list of candidates of the same title submitted for the elections of the
Saeima or the European Parliament, or candidates who are in the list of candidates of the same title
submitted for the local government elections have the right to the State ensured broadcasting time if the
relevant list has been submitted for the elections of the Riga City Council or elections of at least five local
government councils in total.
(3) The State ensured free broadcasting time shall not be granted for repeated voting.
Pre-election Campaign Law, Article 6.
All submitted candidate lists have an equal access to free campaign broadcasting time on public media.