28. Are there provisions for direct public funding to political parties?

Section 7.1 State Budget Financing
(1) A political organisation (party) for which more than two per cent of voters have voted in the last
elections of the Saeima shall be granted the State budget financing within a calendar year:
1) 0.9 per cent of the minimum monthly wage for each vote acquired in the last elections of the Saeima;
2) 0.1 per cent of the minimum monthly wage for each vote acquired in the last elections of the local
government council;
3) 0.1 per cent of the minimum monthly wage for each vote acquired in the last elections to the
European Parliament.
(2) A political organisation (party) for which more than five per cent of voters have voted in the last
elections of the Saeima, in addition to that referred to in Paragraph one of this Section, shall be granted the
State budget financing within a calendar year in the amount of 200 minimum monthly wages.
(3) The State budget financing shall be granted for four years and disbursed starting from the next
calendar year after the Saeima elections. Payments shall be made twice a year - until 15 January and until
15 July. After the elections of the Saeima, local government council, or the European Parliament the
Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau shall re-calculate the State budget financing provided for in
Paragraph one, Clauses 2 and 3 of this Section in conformity with the results of the elections of the Saeima,
local government council, or the European Parliament, and shall disburse it starting from the next calendar
(4) If the extraordinary Saeima elections are taking place, the State budget financing shall be granted for
the term of office of the newly-elected Saeima, in this time period also including the last quarter of the
calendar year in which the term of office of the relevant Saeima expires. Disbursement of the State budget
financing shall be commenced from the quarter of the calendar year following the approval of the results
from the counting of the votes and shall be made within the time period specified in Paragraph two of this
(5) A political organisation (party) may spend the State budget financing granted but not spent within a
calendar year within the next three calendar years. If the political organisation (party) does not spend the
budget financing granted within a calendar year within the next three calendar years, it shall transfer the
part of the State budget financing not spent back into the State budget until 15 January of the next year.
(6) The total amount of the State budget financing granted to one political organisation (party) within one
calendar year may not exceed 1600 minimum monthly wages.
(7) The State budget financing provided for in Paragraph one, Clause 2 of this Section is not granted for
votes that have been given for a list of candidates which has been submitted, in accordance with the
procedures laid down in the Law on Elections of the Republic City Council and Municipality Council, by
associations of voters or by two or more registered political parties which have not joined in a registered
alliance of political organisations (parties).
Law on Financing of Political Organisations (Parties) Article 7.1.
As a percentage (0,9, 0,1, 0,1) of the minimum salary for each vote in the previous (parliamentary, municipal, European parliament) elections if above 2%.