17. If there is a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a political party during an election, what is the limit?




Section 4. Gifts (Donations)
(1) In accordance with the restrictions referred to in Section 6 of this Law, the political organisations
(parties) may accept gifts (donations) from:
1) Latvian citizens;
2) persons who in accordance with law have the right to receive the passport a non-citizen of the
Republic of Latvia;
3) [12 February 2004].
(2) A natural person is allowed to make a gift (donation) to one political organisation (party) for the sum
not exceeding the amount of 20 minimum monthly wages over a period of one calendar year.
Law on Financing of Political Organisations (Parties) Article 4.


The same donation limits apply to election and non-election years.
Annual donation from a physical person limited to 20xminumum monthly salary both in election and non-election years 

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