13. Is there a ban on the use of state resources in favour or against a political party or candidate?

Section 33. Prohibition to Use Administrative Resources
(1) Administrative resources may not be used pre -election campaigns.
(2) Within the meaning of this Section, the use of administrative resources shall be considered as the
use of funds, movable and immovable property or provision of services of a State authority and an authority
of derived public entity and capital companies in which the capital shares (stocks) belong to the State or
derived public entities, as well as of the capital companies in which capital shares (stocks) owned by one or
more State capital companies or capital companies of derived public entities individually or in collectively
exceed 50 per cent for the conduct of pre-election campaigns, as well as advertising of these authorities for
charge within the period of 30 days before the elections, if the relevant advertisement with regard to its
content is related to reflecting of a candidate, political party, association of political parties, as well as
candidates for the position of the Prime Minister or a Minister nominated by the administrative bodies of a
political party or association of political parties, or reflecting a person related to a political party or an
association of political parties or reflecting of activities by such a candidate or person.
(3) Allocation of premises for the conduct of pre-election campaign, if the provisions of Chapter VII of
this Law are complied with, as well as the use of the resources which are used to provide State protection
(security) to senior State officials to whom it must be provided in accordance with laws and regulations shall
not be considered as the use of administrative resources in so far as the use of resources is needed to
provide protection (security) for the relevant State officials.
(4) Within the meaning of Paragraph two of this Section, a person related to a political party or
association of political parties shall be an official, a member of the political party or association of political
parties, or such person who during the last 18 months before the elections has had business relations with
the relevant political party or association of political parties in relation to the provision of services to that
political party or association of political parties, by planning, preparing or organising the election campaign,
or such person who has been a an employee, official or a member of the political party or political
association within the last 18 months before the elections.
(5) Pre-election campaign materials may not be placed in publications issued by a State authority or an
authority of derived public entities or capital companies in which capital shares (stocks) belong to the State
or derived public entities, as well as the capital companies in which capital shares (stocks) owned by one or
more State capital companies or capital companies of derived public entities individually or collectively
exceed 50 per cent.
(6) Interviews with candidates or candidates for the position of the Prime Minister or a Minister
nominated by administrative bodies of a political party or association political parties, as well as articles
which indicate that the person mentioned in it is a candidate for the position of the Prime Minister or a
Minister nominated by administrative bodies of a political party or association of political parties, may not be
placed on election day, as well as 30 days prior to the election day in publications issued by a State
authority or an authority of derived public entities or capital companies in which the capital shares (stocks)
owned by one or more State capital companies or capital companies of derived public entities individually or
collectively exceed 50 per cent.
(7) The execution of restrictions referred to in this Section shall be controlled by the Corruption
Prevention and Combating Bureau.
Pre-election Campaign Law, Article 33.
A ban on administrative resource (finance, services, property) use for 30 days for campaign purposes, including advertising in public media for anyone who has been connected to a political party for a period of 180 days before election.