7. Is there a ban on anonymous donations to political parties?




Section 7. Prohibition on Anonymous Gifts (Donations)
(1) Financing of the political organisations (parties) in the form of anonymous gifts (donations) is
(2) Within the meaning of this Law, a gift (donation) is anonymous if in the accounting documents of the
political organisation (party) the given name, surname, personal identification number and place of
residence in respect of the giver (donor) - a natural person - are not indicated.
(3) If a political organisation (party) receives an anonymous gift (donation), such funds shall be
transferred into the State budget within five days of the receipt thereof, but property shall be transferred into
State ownership in accordance with the procedures stipulated by the Cabinet.

Law on Financing of Political Organisations (Parties) Article 7.


Article 7 provides a definition of an anonymous donation (non-recorded ID, residence data) and an action to be taken in the case such is received, plus obligation to return it within 5 days of its receipt.

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