If e-voting is currently being used, what type(s) of technology used?

A service of the Federal Chancellery, Who can use e-voting? Accessed 27 October 2023
“Every canton decides for itself whether to conduct e-voting trials. The cantons also decide which voters would be eligible to participate in the trials.
Trials are currently underway in the cantons of Basel-Stadt, St Gallen and Thurgau. All three cantons allow Swiss abroad to participate in the trials. Voters with a disability are eligible to participate as well in Basel-Stadt, while St Gallen has chosen a few communes for the trials.
You can find out more about eligibility and e-voting procedures on the relevant canton’s website.
The canton of Graubünden plans to restart e-voting trials in 2024.
A total of 15 cantons were active in previous trial phases (ZH, BE, LU, GL, FR, SO, BS, SH, SG, GR, AG, TG, NE, GE, VD).”