Electoral system for national legislature

Constitution of 17 October 1868, last amended: 2009-03-12
​Article 51 [Parliamentary Democracy, Election, Referendum]
(1) The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is ruled by a system of parliamentary democracy.
(2) The organization of the Chamber is regulated by law.
(3) The Chamber is composed of 60 deputies. A law passed under the provisions of Article 114 (5) sets the number of deputies to be elected in each of the constituencies.
(4) The election is direct.
(5) Deputies are elected by straightforward universal suffrage on the party-list system, in accordance with the rules of proportional representation, the principle of the smallest electoral quota, and the rules to be determined by the law.
See also:
Luxemburg, Government of Luxembourg, Principles: Legislative elections; accessed 14 October 2023
The 60 members of the Chamber of Deputies are elected by proportional representation in four multi-member constituencies using the open lists PR system. No thresholds are set by the legislation.