Electoral system family

Zimbabwe, Constitution of Zimbabwe (2013 (rev. 2017)), accessed 4 September 2023
Article 124. Composition of House of Assembly
124.1 The National Assembly consists of—
a) two hundred and ten members elected by secret ballot from the two hundred and ten constituencies into which Zimbabwe is divided; and
b) for the life of the first two Parliaments after the effective date, an additional sixty women members, six from each of the provinces into which Zimbabwe is divided, elected through a system of proportional representation based on the votes cast for candidates representing political parties in a general election for constituency members in the provinces.
124.2 Elections of Members of the National Assembly must be conducted in accordance with the Electoral Law. […]
Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, Legal Framework, Act No. 12 of Electoral Amendment (Electoral Amendment Act, 2023), accessed 4 September 2023
6 Amendment of section 45C of Cap. 2:13
Section 45C (“Application of Part XIA, allocation of party-list seats and disqualification of votes for purposes of party-list elections”)(1) of the principal Act is amended—
(a) by the repeal of subsection (4) and the substitution of—
“(4) Each electoral province—
(a) shall be allocated six seats in the Senate and six seats reserved for women in the National Assembly; and
(b) shall be allocated one seat reserved for youth members in the National Assembly, that is, persons aged from twenty-one to thirty-five years of age;
(c) that a province shall be allocated ten seats.”;
See also:
Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, Delimitation Report, accessed 4 September 2023
Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, 2023 Harmonized Elections Proportional Representation Results, accessed 4 September 2023