Electoral system for the president

Montenegro, The Law on Election of the President of Montenegro (Official Gazette of Montenegro, No. 17/07, as of 31.12.2007, last amended in 2016), accessed 17 August 2020
Article 16. The candidate who obtains more than a half of the valid votes of voters who have voted shall be elected President.
Article 17. In case none of the candidates obtain the number of votes predicted by the Article 16 of this Law, the second round shall be organised in 14 days. Two candidates who received the highest number of votes shall participate in the second round. In the second round, the winner shall be the candidate who wins the majority of votes. Should both candidates win an equal number of votes in the second round, the voting shall be repeated between these two candidates within the term of 7 days.
Montenegro, State Election Commission, Election for the President of Montenegro, Final Results, accessed 24 April 2023