Electoral system family

Virgin Islands, British
Virgin Islands Constitution Order 2007
62: There shall be a Legislature of the Virgin Islands which shall consist of Her Majesty and a House of Assembly.
64(1): The elected members of the House of Assembly shall be persons qualified for election in accordance with this Constitution and, subject to this Constitution, shall be elected in the manner provided by or under any law for the time being in force in the Virgin Islands.
64(2): Subject to section 63(2), for the purposes of elections the Virgin Islands - (a) shall be a single electoral district and shall return four members to the House of Assembly; and (b) shall also be divided into nine electoral districts in such manner as may be provided by or under any law for the time being in force in the Virgin Islands, and each such district shall return one member to the House of Assembly.
British Virgin Islands, Elections Act & Amendments 1994 (last amended in 2023 by Elections (Amendment) Act, 2023)
52(9): On the completion of the count or recount, as the case may be, (a) in an election in an electoral district to return one member to the House of Assembly, the candidate with the largest number of votes shall be declared by the returning officer to be elected as a member for the electoral district; (b) in an election in an electoral district to return more than one member to the House of Assembly, the number of candidates equal to the members to be returned with the largest numbers of votes shall be declared by the returning officer to be elected as members for the electoral district.