Is the biometric data used in voter identification at polling stations?




Denmark, Folketing (Parliamentary) Elections Act (Consolidated Act No. 1260 of 27 August 2020), accessed 18 March 2023

47.-(1) The right to vote is exercised by personal appearance at the polling station. Before voting a voter must turn over his or her poll card to the keeper of the electoral register. Where a voter has omitted to bring his or her poll card a new one shall be written out. The keeper of the electoral register shall demand that the voter states his/her date of birth. Additionally, the voter shall give his or her name and address upon request. In case of doubt about the identity of a voter, the identity must be proven, if necessary through pro-duction of documentation thereof. Then, and after the keeper of the electoral register has ticked off the voter’s name in the electoral register, the voter is handed a ballot paper.

See also Voting on election day

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