Electoral system family

Estonia, Riigikogu Election Act, 2002 (as amended in 2020) [in English], accessed 6 March 2023
§1. Foundations of the electoral system
(1) The Riigikogu has 101 members.
(2) Elections of Riigikogu members are free, general, uniform and direct. Voting is secret.
(3) Each voter has one vote.
(4) Election results are determined based on the principle of proportionality.
§ 6. Electoral districts
Riigikogu elections are held in 12 multi-mandate electoral districts:
electoral district No. 1 – Tallinn Haabersti, Põhja-Tallinn and Kristiine districts;
constituency no. 2 – Tallinn Central, Lasnamäe and Pirita districts;
constituency no. 3 – Mustamäe and Nõmme districts of Tallinn;
constituency no. 4 – Harju (except Tallinn) and Raplamaa;
constituency no. 5 – Hiiu, Lääne and Saaremaa;
constituency no. 6 – Lääne-Virumaa;
constituency no. 7 – Ida-Virumaa;
electoral district no. 8 – Järva and Viljandimaa;
electoral district no. 9 – Jõgeva and Tartumaa (except the city of Tartu);
constituency no. 10 – Tartu city;
constituency no. 11 – Võru, Valga and Põlva counties;
constituency no. 12 – Pärnumaa.
§ 7. Allocation of mandates between constituencies
(1) The Electoral Commission of the Republic distributes the mandates among electoral districts by its decision as follows:
1) the total number of voters is divided by 101;
2) the number of voters in the electoral district is divided by the number obtained as a result of the operation specified in point 1 of this paragraph;
3) the electoral district receives mandates according to the full part of the number obtained as a result of the transaction according to point 2 of this paragraph;
4) mandates left undistributed on the basis of point 3 of this subsection are distributed on the principle of the largest balances, based on the fractions of the numbers obtained as a result of operations specified in point 2 of this subsection. […]