Voting method

Equatorial Guinea
African Union Election Observation Mission to the Presidential, Legislative, Senatorial & Municipal Elections of 20th November 2022 in the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, PRELIMINARY STATEMENT, accessed 2 January 2023
“The Ministry of the Interior and Territorial Collectivities plays a certain role in the management of the electoral process as well as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with regard to the voting of the diaspora. These two ad hoc institutions of the electoral process support the actions of the CEN in the organization of elections at the national and international levels because while the former ensures the enrolment of voters and the proclamation of provisional results; the latter facilitates the voting of the diaspora abroad; in close collaboration with the CEN.”
Mapeo de participación de la diaspora: GUINEA ECUATORIAL; accessed 2 January 2023
"Derecho a votar en las elecciones nacionales para los ciudadanos que residen en el extranjero. [La votación para los que viven en el extranjero incluye tanto las elecciones presidenciales como las legislativas.]"