Voting method

Tunisia, Basic Law No. 2014-16 of May 26, 2014, related to elections and referendum [an updated version of Organic Law No. 2014-16 of May 26, 2014 related to elections and referendum pursuant to Decree No. 2022-55 of September 15, 2022]; accessed 1 January 2023
Article 103 - Notwithstanding the provisions relating to the polling date mentioned in Article 102, the process of voting for Tunisians abroad for elections and referendums takes place on three consecutive days, the last of which is polling day inside the Republic.
Article 114 - Tunisians abroad who fulfill the conditions stipulated in articles 5 and 6 of this law participate in the referendum.
Article 118 - Voting is personal and voting by proxy is prohibited. The voter exercises the right to vote with his national identity card or passport.