Electoral system for national legislature

Arabic version of the Presidential Decree providing for the new electoral system can be found in this page.
Carter Center, Preliminary Statement on Tunisia’s 2022 Parliamentary Elections, Dec. 19, 2022; accessed 1 January 2023
“The September 2022 amendments of the electoral law established a new electoral system for electing the parliament, with 161 single candidate electoral districts, 151 in-country and 10 abroad. If no candidate achieves over 50 percent in the first round, the race is decided in a second round between the top two vote-getters two weeks after the announcement of final results.”
Tunisian President Kais Saied has made changes to electoral system on 15 September 2022: TRS system has replaced the existing List PR system. The number of deputied have also been reduced to 161 (with 10 elected from overseas).