Electoral system for the president

Nepal, Constitution 2015, accessed 23 April 2022
(1) An electoral college, consisting of voting members of the Federal Parliament and the members of Provincial Assembly, shall elect the President. It shall be done as provided for in law with the difference of weightage in voting of the members of the Federal Parliament and the members of Provincial Assembly.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (1), it shall not be deemed to prevent the formation of an electoral college for the use of the election of the President simply because of the reason that an election of Provincial Assembly has not been held in any province.
(3) The person who receives majority votes of the total number of existing members of the Electoral College as provided for in clause (1), shall be elected as President.
(4) If any candidate fails to receive majority votes according to clause (3), there shall be a second round of voting between the two candidates who receive the highest votes, and a person getting more than fifty percent of vote in this voting shall be elected as President.
(5) If none of the two candidates obtain more than fifty percent of the votes in the voting held under clause (4), then a re-voting will be conducted. Any person getting the majority of votes cast in this re-voting shall be elected as President.
(6) If a person who is elected to the position of the President already holds a political position through election, nomination, or appointment, the position held by such a person shall automatically become vacant.
(7) The election of the President and other related arrangements shall be as provided for by law
President is indirectly elected.