Legal provisions for direct democracy at the local level



Optional referendum

Chile, Constitution 1980 (as amended in 2021), accessed 12 September 2022

ARTICLE 118. The local administration of each commune or group of communes established by the law resides in a municipality, which shall be composed of the mayor, who is its highest authority, and the council. Mayors will be elected by universal suffrage in accordance with the organic constitutional law of municipalities, will last four years in their positions and may be successively re-elected in office for up to two terms. […]

A constitutional organic law shall determine the functions and powers of municipalities. The said law will also point out the subjects of municipal competence that the mayor, with the agreement of the council or at the request of two-thirds of the councilors in exercise, or of the proportion of citizens established by law, will subject to non-binding consultation or to a plebiscite, as well as the opportunities, form of the convocation and the effects.

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