Electoral system family

Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Kitts and Nevis, Constitution, accessed 14 August 2022
29. Election of Representatives.
(1) Each of the constituencies established in accordance with the provisions of section 50 of this Constitution shall return one Representative to the National Assembly who shall be directly elected in such manner as may, subject to the provisions of this Constitution, be prescribed by or under any law enacted by Parliament. […]
50. Review of constituency boundaries.
(1) The Constituency Boundaries Commission (hereinafter in this section referred to as the Commission) shall, in accordance with the provisions of this section, review the number and boundaries of the constituencies into which Saint Christopher and Nevis is divided and submit to the Governor-General reports either
(a) showing the constituencies into which it recommends that Saint Christopher and Nevis should be divided in order to give effect to the rules set out in Schedule 2; or
(b) stating that, in its opinion, no alteration is required to the existing number or boundaries of constituencies in order to give effect to those rules. […]
1. There shall be not less than eight constituencies in the island of Saint Christopher and not less than three constituencies in the island of Nevis and if the number of constituencies is increased beyond eleven, not less than one-third of their number shall be in the island of Nevis. […]