57. What power is granted to the institution(s) responsible for examining reports and/or investigating violations?



Refer for investigation Request additional information from potential violator Impose sanctions

Articles 44 and 45, Loi organique n° 29-11 relative aux partis politiques,


Articles 96, Loi organique n° 27-11 relative à la Chambre des représentants, http://www.sgg.gov.ma/Portals/0/lois/Loi_27-11_Fr.pdf

Décret No. 2-16-667, 6 kaada 1437 (10 August 2016)                                                                                 


In case of a party fails to submit the accounts on time or use of the State contribution for purposes other than it was granted, the First President of the Court of Auditors sends the national official of the party a formal notice for the purpose of restitution of financial irregularities within thirty days from the date of the formal notice.

The First President of the Court of Auditors brings to the attention of the Minister of Justice and Liberties, for all legal purposes, the breaches observed in the obligation to use the State's participation for the purposes for which it was granted.

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