34. Are there provisions for free or subsidized access to media for candidates?




Articles 77 and 78, Ordinance No. 21-01 of 26 Rajab 1442 (March 10, 2021) on the organic law relating to the electoral system



Art. 77.- The duration of the broadcast granted is equal for each candidates for presidential elections. In the case of local and legislative elections, the duration varies according to the respective importance of the number of lists of candidates presented by a party or group of political parties. The lists of independent candidates, grouped together own initiative benefit from the provisions of this article under the same conditions.                                                 Art. 78. - Audiovisual media that are allowed to exercise pursuant to legislation and regulations in force, and participating in the coverage of the election campaign, are required to guarantee the equitable distribution of the antenna time between the candidates. Independent authority, in coordination with the authority regulation of the audiovisual, ensures the respect of provisions of this article.

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