27. Are there provisions requiring donations to go through the banking system?

Tanzania, United Republic of

Tanzania, United Republic of


Article 15

(1) Every political party which has been fully registered shall, through its trustees, maintain a bank account of the party in which all the money received by the party in accordance with Section 13, shall be deposited.

(2) Any subvention from the Government which is payable to political parties under this Act shall not be paid to a political party which does not maintain a bank account in accordance with this section. (3) Without prejudice to subsection (1), every political party receiving Government subvention shall maintain a separate bank account to be used only for depositing and expenditure of Government subvention.

The Political Parties Act, 2019

11 (2) Every political party shall ensure that all donations received by the party in the form of money are deposited in the special account opened by the party for election expenses and all election expenses shall be paid from that account.

Election Expenses Act, 2010 

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