52. Must reports from political parties and/or candidates reveal the identity of donors?

Tanzania, United Republic of

Tanzania, United Republic of


Section 19(1) of the Election Expenses Act 2010 states that for the purposes of financial accountability under this Act, it shall be the duty of every candidate, and each political party, Non-Governmental Organization, Faith Based Organization and Community Based Organization which participated in activities referred to in subsection (3) of section 13 of this Act to keep records of: 

(a) funds received for election expenses indicating the amount and the nature of funds received;

(b) names and postal, physical and electronic addresses of donors; 

(c) funds anticipated to be received and their sources; 

(d) funds expended for nomination, election campaigns and election; and 

(e) funds expended by candidates as nomination and election expenses.

Election Expenses Act 2010

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