28. Are there provisions for direct public funding to political parties?

Tanzania, United Republic of
16. Grant of, and party qualification for, subvention
(1) The Government shall, subject to section 17, disburse up to not more than two per centum of the annual recurrent budget less the amount payable in defraying the national debt in the grant of subventions to political parties in pursuance of the provisions of this Act.
(2) The Government shall, in addition to the subvention referred to in subsection (1), grant an annual subvention to every qualifying political party in relation to its local government authority activities which shall be such an amount as the Minister may determine, and which shall be computed on the basis of the number of the members of the political party who are members of a district or urban council.
(3) No party shall qualify for the grant to it of a subvention in accordance with this Act unless— (a) it is a party which is fully registered under this Act; (b) it has, in the immediately preceding general or local government election, had any of its candidates elected to be a Member of Parliament or member of a local government authority.
Political Parties Act 2019