1. Is there a ban on donations from foreign interests to political parties?




88. Offences in relation to finances of a political party

(1) A Political Party that -

(a) holds or possesses any fund outside Nigeria in contravention of section 91(3)(a) of this Act commits an offence and forfeits the funds or assets purchased with such funds to the Commission and on conviction is liable to a fine of not less than N500,OOO.OO;

(b) retains any fund or other asset remitted to it from outside Nigeria in contravention of section 91(3)(b) of this Act commits an offence and forfeits the funds or assets to the Commission and on conviction is liable to a fine of not less than N 500,000.00.

91.Limitation on election expenses


(3) The maximum election expenses to be incurred by a candidate at a Governorship election shall be W200,000,000.

Electoral Act, 2010

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