38. Is there a ban on vote buying?

Article 163 (2)
A person commits an offence of bribery if--
Article 71 (3) Any funds received by a political party registered with the Commission in terms of section 71 for contesting elections-
(b) may not be used to--
(iii) reward any elector in order to vote or to vote in a certain manner
(a) a person seeks or receives a benefit, personally or for another person, in order to influence the person´s elections conduct;
(b) a person offers, promises or gives any benefit to any person in order to influence the person´s elections conduct; or
(c) a person provides or lends any property knowing that the property is to be used in the commission of an offence referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) or replaces any property that has been used for that purpose.
National Assembly Election Act, 2011