34. Are there provisions for free or subsidized access to media for candidates?




any other entity to provide, and for any political party or candidate for election to Parliament (or any person on behalf of the political party who is involved in the administration of the affairs of the political party including any office holder of the political party, or any person on behalf of the candidate) to accept from a company, a body corporate or any other entity, any of the following—
(a)the full or part payment of expenditure for advertising by a political party or a candidate for election to Parliament; or
(b)the waiving of all or any part of payment of expenditure for advertising by a political party or candidate for election to Parliament.
(12) For the purposes of this section, “political donation” means a donation of money or goods and services, loan, credit facility, bond, share, negotiable security or property that is made at no charge, to a registered political party or to a candidate (or any person on behalf of the political party who is involved in the administration of the affairs of the political party including any office holder of the political party, or any person on behalf of the candidate), but does not include the labour of any person that is provided to a registered political party or to a candidate at no charge by that person.

Section 22, Political Parties (Registration, Conduct, Funding and Disclosures) Act 2013, Amended 2021


There is no provision for free or subsidized access to media for election candidates. On the contrary, it is unlawful for companies/body corporates to make full/partial payment or to waive payment for any adveritising expenditure. This restriction is primarily aimed at preventing corporate money being contributed for political purposes. 

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