23. Is there a ban on political parties engaging in commercial activities?




21(1)The sources of funds for a political party shall only be from—
(a)membership fees;
(b)voluntary contributions, donations, bequests and grants from a lawful source, not being from a foreign government, intergovernmental or non-governmental organisation; and     (c) income derived from any building owned by a political party. 

Section 21, Political Parties (Registration, Conduct, Funding and Disclosures) Act 2013, amended in 2021  


Amendments made in 2021 to section 21 of the Act mean that the proceeds of any investment, project or undertaking in which a political party or independent candidate has an interest, no longer forms part of the sources of funds for the
political party and independent candidate. This essentially means that proceeds from commercial activties, except from income derived from any building owned by a party, can not be used for political purposes.

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