13. Is there a ban on the use of state resources in favour or against a political party or candidate?

Art. 10.2, 98.31, and 99.1, Election Law, 2016. https://www.refworld.org/docid/5adf31924.html
Art. 24, Political Parties Law, 2005. https://constitutionnet.org/sites/default/files/political_parties_law_et.pdf
Both the Election Law, Political Parties Law ban the use of state resources for and against any candidate.
Use of any governmental assets, facilities and resources in favor or against a specific candidate is prohibited.
The following acts shall be considered electoral violations: Use of government’s assets, facilities and resources in electoral campaigns;
The following acts are considered as electoral crimes:
Misuse of military tools and signs including of the army, police and national security for the purpose of frightening or influencing a voter, candidate and or
monitor and observer in favor of or against a candidate; […]
Financial and commercial government organs, and the responsible officials heading those organs, shall not use their position to favour or to disadvantage any political party. No person may use public resources for the campaign of candidates unless equal resources are provided to all candidates by the government of Afghanistan.