58. What sanctions are provided for political finance infractions?



  • Fines
  • Suspension of political party
  • Other

Articles 56 to 62. Financial, Transparency and Oversight of Political Parties and Candidates Law, 2017. 


If Political Parties, Political Alliances and Independant Candidatures do not present the balance sheet and the status of results, certifications of the income and expenses with the information of the origin and destiny of the contributions in the established deadlines they´ll receive a fine between 50 and 120 minimun wages. if the political party does not submit the financial reports and registration of private contributions, it must pay a fine of between 25 and 120 minimun wages. Alliances of Political Parties that do not submit within the established time limit the financial statement corresponding to the electoral process are subject to a fine electoral process, are subject to a fine between 50 and 120 minimum monthly salaries. Political parties, alliances or independent candidates that present false information in the Financial Statements incur in administrative and criminal liability.  The Public Prosecutor's Office must be immediately informed and they are subject to a fine between 100 and 200 minimum wages.

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