1. Is there a ban on donations from foreign interests to political parties?

Art. 24. "(1) Political parties may not receive: ... 4. any funds from any foreign governments or from any foreign state-owned enterprises, foreign commercial corporations or foreign non-profit organizations. (2) Political parties may not receive any movable and immovable things for gratuitous use, nor any gratuitous services in any form whatsoever, from the entities referred to in Items 2, 3 and 4 of Paragraph (1).
The Political Parties Act, 2005;
Чл. 24. (1) "Политическите партии не могат да получават: 4. средства от чужди правителства или от чуждестранни държавни предприятия, чуждестранни търговски дружества или чуждестранни организации с идеална цел."
Закон за политическите партии 2005