27. Are there provisions requiring donations to go through the banking system?




Political Organizations Law, article 30                                                  

"Artículo 30.- Financiamiento privado                                                          

(...) Todo aporte privado en dinero, que supere el veinticinco por ciento (25%) de una unidad impositiva tributaria (UIT), se realiza a través de entidades del sistema financiero. (...) La entidad bancaria debe identificar adecuadamente a todo aquel que efectúe aportes o retiros de la cuenta. (...)".                                                                                                        

"Article 30.- Private funding

(...) Each private contribution in cash, that exceeds twenty five percent (25%) of a tributary unit, goes through the banking system. (...) The banking institution has to adequately identify  everyone that makes deposits or withdrawals from the acount. (...)".


Any private contribution in cash above certain amount (25% of the UIT) goes through the banking system.

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