18. Is there a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a candidate?



Yes, for both natural and legal persons

Political Organizations Law: articles 30 and 30-A                                          

"Artículo 30. Financiamiento privado
Las organizaciones políticas pueden recibir aportes o ingresos procedentes de la financiación privada, mediante: a) Las cuotas y contribuciones en efectivo o en especie de cada aportante como persona natural o persona jurídica extranjera sin fines de lucro, incluido el uso de inmuebles, a título gratuito, que no superen las ciento veinte (120) unidades impositivas tributarias al año, las mismas que deben constar en el recibo de aporte correspondiente. (...)".                                             

"Article 30. Private funding                                                                         

Political organizations can received contributions or incomes derived from private funding, through: a) Contributions in cash or in-kind from each donor as a natural person or foreign non lucrative person, including real state, free of charge (gratuitous title), that does not exceed one hundred twenty (120) tributary units each year, that shall register in the correspondent contribution receipt.                                                        

"Artículo 30-A. Aportes para candidaturas distintas a la presidencial
Cada aporte en efectivo o en especie que recibe el candidato para una campaña electoral, en el caso de elecciones congresales, regionales, municipales y para el Parlamento Andino, de cualquier fuente de financiamiento permitida, no debe exceder de las cincuenta (50) unidades impositivas tributarias (UIT) por aportante".                                                   

"Article 30-A. Contributions to candidates different to presidential         

Each contribution in cash or in-kind that the candidate receives during electoral campaign, in elections for Congress, regional, local and for Andean Parliament, from any allowed source, shall not exceed fifty (50) tributary units for each donor".


For presidential candidates, limit can be interpreted from the limit regarding political parties (120 tributrary units). For other candidates (for Congress, regional and local positions and Andean Parliament), each contribution during electoral campaigns, from any allowed source, shall not exceed fifty (50) tributary units for each donor.

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