13. Is there a ban on the use of state resources in favour or against a political party or candidate?

2. The types of abuse of administrative resources include:
1) attraction of persons subordinate or in any other service dependence, other state or municipal employees, employees of state or municipal educational organizations and health care institutions, employees of institutions and organizations financed from the republican and local budgets, employees of territorial public self-government for the implementation of activities, contributing to the nomination and (or) election of a candidate;
2) the use of premises occupied by state bodies or local self-government bodies for the implementation of activities conducive to nomination and (or) election, if other candidates cannot use the same premises on the same conditions;
3) the use of telephone, facsimile and other types of communication, information services, office equipment that ensure the functioning of state institutions or local authorities for the implementation of activities that contribute to the nomination and (or) election;
4) free or on preferential terms the use of vehicles that are in state or municipal ownership for the implementation of activities that contribute to the nomination and (or) election;
5) the collection of signatures, election campaigning by state or municipal employees, employees of institutions and organizations financed from the republican and local budgets, employees of territorial public self-government;
6) preferential access (in comparison with other candidates) to the media for the purpose of collecting signatures or pre-election campaigning;
7) propaganda performance during a mass (public) event organized by state bodies and (or) local self-government bodies, or with the participation of representatives of state bodies and (or) local self-government bodies;
8) promulgation during the election campaign in the media, in campaign printed materials of reports on the work done, distribution of congratulations and other materials on behalf of the candidate that were not paid from the funds of the relevant election fund.
Source: Article 21.1, Constitutional Law On elections of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic and deputies of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2021
No indication about abuse of state resources against a political party, mainly thre law describes types of ASR that are prohibited. Abuse of administrative resources is the misuse of human, financial, material, media, institutional resources by candidates, officials, heads of state and municipal organizations, members and founders of mass media and Internet publications in elections, obtained as a result of their control over state civil and municipal employees or employees of state, municipal enterprises, institutions, enterprises with a share of state (municipal) participation of more than 30 percent, over finances and their distribution, which can be transformed into political or other forms of support for certain candidates, political parties, violating the equality of all candidates ..