28. Are there provisions for direct public funding to political parties?

(1) The amount of financial assistance to political parties that get a seat in the House of Representatives as referred to in Article 2 paragraph (31 amounting to Rp1,000.00 (thousand rupiah) per valid vote.
(2). The amount of financial assistance value as referred to in paragraph (1) can be raised in accordance with the financial capabilities of the country.
(3) The amount of financial assistance to political parties that get seats in the Regional Representative Council as mentioned in Section 2 (3) is valued 1,200 IDR (one thousand two hundred rupiahs) per valid vote.
(4) For the provincial government that the budget allocation to political parties already exceeded 1,200 IDR (one thousand two hundred rupiahs) per valid vote, the budget allocation to the political party for the following year shall be equal to the amount of financial assistance to the political party proceeded in a fiscal year.
(5) The amount of financial assistance to political parties that get seats in the District/City’s Representative Council as mentioned in Section 2 (3) is valued 1,500 IDR (one thousand five hundred rupiahs) per valid vote.
(6) For the district/city government that the budget allocation of financial assistance to political parties already exceeded 1,500 IDR (one thousand five hundred rupiahs) per valid votes, the budget allocation to the political party for the following year shall be equal to the amount of financial assistance to the political party proceeded in a fiscal year.
(7) The amount of financial assistance as mentioned in paragraph (3), paragraph (4), paragraph (5), and paragraph (6) may be increased in accordance with financial capability of the government by the approval of Minister of Home Affairs."
Section 5, Government Decree on Political Finance to Political Parties, 2018 .