12. Is there a ban on donations from corporations with partial government ownership to candidates?




Article 339(4), Electoral Law 2017


"(1) Election contestants and campaign teams/organizers are prohibited to receive

campaign funds from the following sources:

a. foreign parties;

b. donors without clear identity;

c. fruits of activities that are proven illegal/criminal by a court verdict with permanent legal power, or activities that attempt to hide or obscure illegal/criminal acts;

d. national government, regional government, state-owned enterprises, and region-owned enterprises; or

e. village government or village-owned enterprises.

(2) An election contestant, campaign organizer, or campaign team who receives fund through sources prohibited by paragraph (1) shall not be allowed to use the fund, must report the fund to the KPU, and hand over the fund to the state treasury at the latest 14 (fourteen) days after the end of campaign period.

(3) An election contestant, campaign organizer, or campaign team who fails to heed the provisions of paragraph (2) shall be punished in accordance to the provisions of this Law.

(4) Anyone is prohibited to use the budget of the state/national government, regional government, state-owned enterprises, region-owned enterprises, village government, or village-owned enterprises to be donated or provided for campaign purposes."

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