48. Do political parties have to report on their election campaign finances?

Law on Financing Political Entities and Election Campaigns (2014, last amended 2019), Articles 50(1), 53(1), 54(1)
Political entities are subject to extensive reporting requirements. They have submit to the Agency for Prevention of Corruption (APC) 15-day donation, interim and final campaign finance reports.
"A political entity shall prepare a report on the origin, the amount and structure of the financial resources from public and private sources acquired and spent on the election campaign, and shall submit it to the Agency, with supporting documentation, within 30 days from the day of holding of the elections."
"A political entity shall submit to the Agency a report on the contributions of legal and natural persons on a fifteen-day basis, during the election campaign."
"A political entity shall submit to the Agency an interim report on the election campaign costs five days prior to the election day."