49. Do candidates have to report on their election campaign finances?

North Macedonia, Republic of

North Macedonia, Republic of


Electoral Code (2018), Articles 84b and 85


On the eleventh day of the election campaign, the election campaign participant is required to submit a financial report with a specification of costs on the incomes and expenditures on the election campaign bank account from the day when it was opened, until the end of the tenth day of the election campaign.

The election campaign participant is required to submit a financial report with a specification of costs on the incomes and expenditures on the election campaign bank account for the second round of voting, one day prior to the administering of the second round of voting.

The election campaign participant is required to submit a financial report with a specification of costs on the incomes and expenditures on the election campaign bank account for the second half of the election campaign one day after the end of the election campaign.

The election campaign participant shall submit a complete financial report on the election campaign immediately, or not later than 30 days from the day of closure of the bank account from Article 71, paragraph

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