34. Are there provisions for free or subsidized access to media for candidates?

North Macedonia, Republic of

North Macedonia, Republic of


Electoral Code (2018), Article 75, 75f


Broadcasters, i.e. the Public broadcasting service, the commercial broadcasting companies and electronic media (internet portals) that decided to cover the elections are obligated to do that in a fair, balanced and unbiased manner in their overall program. Broadcasters, printed media and electronic media (internet portals) in the Republic of Macedonia are required to provide equal access to paid political advertising to all participants in the electoral process.

Regardless of the language in which they broadcast the program, during the election campaign, broadcasters are required to provide the election campaign participants with equal conditions for access to all forms of electoral media presentation – news, special informative programs (interviews, debates, TV/radio hustings, topical information programs, topical information programs with documentary approach and thematic specialized informative programs), free political presentation and paid political advertising."

Broadcasters, printed media and electronic media (internet portals) shall also apply the regular pricelists for paid political advertising during the election campaign, whereby the rate for paid political advertising per second shall not exceed the average advertising rate as calculated in the 3 months preceding the day of the announcement of the elections.

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