33. What criteria determine allocation for free or subsidized access to media for political parties?

North Macedonia, Republic of
- Equal
- Other
Electoral Code (2018), Article 76a
During the election campaign, the Public Broadcasting Service is required to provide equitable access to the newscasts, whereby, 30% of the time it shall broadcast information on national and global daily events, 30% of the time on the campaign activities of the ruling political parties, 30% of the time on the campaign activities of the opposition political parties and 10% of the time on the campaign activities of the political parties not represented in the Parliament of RM. (3) The time for informing on campaign activities of political parties shall be distributed in line with the principles of balanced reporting.
During the election campaign, in the first and the second round of voting, the Public Broadcasting Service is required to broadcast free political presentation of the participants in the election process, in line with the principles for balanced coverage of elections. The date and the order of the broadcast of free political presentation of the participants in the election campaign shall be determined by drawing of lots.