56. Which institution(s) is responsible for examining financial reports and/or investigating violations?




Turkish Political Parties Law (Article 74) Siyasi Partilerin mali denetimi Anayasa Mahkemesince yapılır. Anayasa Mahkemesi siyasi partilerinmal edinimleri ile gelir giderinin Kanuna uygunluğunu denetler. Financial inspection of political parties are done by the Constitutional Court. The Constitutional Court inspects the lawfullness of political parties revenues and spending regularly.

Law on presidential Elections (Article 14). Seçim hesapları ile bağış, yardım ve harcamalara ilişkin bilgi ve belgeler, seçim sonuçlarının kesinleşmesini izleyen on gün içerisinde Yüksek Seçim Kuruluna sunulur. All the election accounts, donations, and spending of the candidates are submitted to the Supreme Electoral Council in between 10 days after the announcement of final election results.


For political parties Constitutional Court, For presidential candidates Supreme Electoral Council.

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