17. If there is a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a political party during an election, what is the limit?



The limit on contribution to a PP during elections: by natural person - not more than 400 times the minimum wage (i.e., 2 400 000 UAH in 2021); by legal persons - not more than 800 times the minimum wage (i.e., 4 800 000 UAH in 2021).

Souce: art. 152, the Electoral Code of Ukraine, 2019: "Voluntary contributions of a person [both natural or legal] to the electoral fund are limited to the maximum contribution to support the party during the year, as set out by the Law of Ukraine on Political Parties in Ukraine"

"Добровільні внески особи до виборчого фонду обмежуються розміром максимального внеску на підтримку партії протягом року, встановленим Законом України "Про політичні партії в Україні."

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